In this entry we will focus on a specific requirement in the Oracle SBC for SIPRec integration with Verint. For generic configuration for SIPRec please refer to Oracle ISR – Lab Setup – SBC configurations entry.
The specific requirement is the use of Universal Call Identifier (UCID). UCID helps to generate or preserve a UCID during the duration of the session, and in SIP this is accomplished in our case with the header User-to-User added as a SIP header.
This UCID is a 22 hexadecimal digit number, here is an example:
Other systems use the decimal representation, because of that we will show how to make the conversion from hexadecimal to decimal (you can apply the reverse procedure to get the HEX representation from decimal) as follows:
For the example highlighted in red, the following leading digits are not part of the UCID:
- 00FA means that this numbers about to follow is a UCID
- 08 is the number of bytes that are about to follow
0001183F5093914D is the actual UCID in Hex, that can be broken down into 3 chunks:
- 0001 is the Network Node ID
- 183F (06207 in Decimal, represent the Call Sequence that reset at 7000)
- 5093914D (1351848269, is the timestamp in seconds since 12 am Jan-01-1970 of the first Invite)
UCID: 00001062071351848269
- NNNNN: Network Node ID (00001 to 32767) – This is a static number (is set up using the SPL, UCIUD-App-ID).
- CCCCC: Call Sequence # (00000 to 07000) – Simple call counter
- TTTTTTTTTT: Timestamp: # of seconds since 12 am 1/1/1970 (Calculation based on the time stamp in SIP Invite)
After all this information lets configure the UCID in the Oracle SBC using the global spl-config:
This concludes this entry.