Oracle SBC – Admin Task – Testing HMRs

Before proceeding with more examples, lets check a way to test HMRs without applying them in production, and lets work with the same example worked in the previous entry where a header called “HMR” is added with the value Hello World!.

HMR must be created in the configuration to be tested using this menu, here is what is currently set in the configuration:

The first thing to do is access the menu under the root level with test-sip-manipulation:

Issuing the command show will display the current settings applied in this testing:

Important note here, by default there is a SIP INVITE parsed (loaded) and ready for testing:

Let’s now set the sip-manipulation to test:

Use the command execute to see the results of using that sip-manipulation:

In case an specific SIP message needs to be tested you can load it with issuing the command load-sip-message:

After loading the new message, issue the command execute: