Avaya SBCE – Admin tasks – Upgrade 8.1.0 to 8.1.2 in VMWare

The following procedure was applied to Upgrade Avaya SBCE solution from 8.1.0 to 8.1.2

One key note using this procedure is that the current VMs were not upgraded, new VMs were deployed (maintaining old VMs were turned off and keep just in case rollback is required). In the next entry we will work in a procedure upgrading the current VMs in production.

Here are some important notes:

- New VMs installed with version 8.1.2 require same IPs.
- The order to migrate multiple systems is the following:
1. Migrate data to the primary EMS first.
2. Migrate data to the SBCE VMs in any order (HA pair, migrate data to the secondary SBCE
first, followed by the primary SBCE.
3. Migrate data to the secondary EMS last.


1) Download 8.1.2 OVA (sbce-

2) Download latest patch for 8.1.2 version

3) Download 8.1.2 uberutility

4) Create a backup file from current SBCEs in 8.1.0 using uberutility
   4.1) mkdir /archive/createbkp
   4.2) cd /archive/createbkp
   4.3) upload and copy 8.1.2 uberutility to /archive/createbkp
   4.4) decompress uberutility tar -xvf sbce-
   4.5) execute the following script decompress from uberutility
        python ursbce.py --takemigratebackup --filename_with_path=/archive/createbkp/sbce-backup-<version>-<sbce hostname>.tar.gz
   4.6) copy the file created to an external device making it available

5) Install the VMs using the OVA with their respective roles (EMS and SBCEs)

6) Set temporary IPs using the wizard thru the console

7) Upload the latest patch into the new VMs (connect using the temporal IPs)

8) Apply the latest patch in all new VMs

9) Upload each backup files created in step 4 to the corresponding new VM.

10) Perform a factory reset in each VM using
   sbceconfigurator.py factory-reset

11) Turn off the production SBCE servers (this must be implemented in a maintenance window)

12) Run the wizard in the new VMs using VMWare console

13) Copy the uploaded backup in each server to /archive/backup/upgrade

14) Restore backup (EMS must be migrated first)
   /usr/local/ipcs/icu/scripts/ursbce.py --restoremigratebackup --filename_with_path=/archive/backup/upgrade/file_name.

14) Reboot 

15) In case needed disable SIPS Required.
When doing an upgrade to Release 8.1.2 or later, the SIPS Required 
option in Server Interworking is automatically enabled after the upgrade. 
For any configurations that do not use this feature, you must manually 
disable this option after you do the upgrade. 
For example, you must disable this option in Server Interworking profiles 
when the deployment has or uses Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business, 
and Microsoft Lync.