Oracle SBC – Lab Setup Transcoding – SBC transcoding explanation

Transcoding is accomplished using codec policies and those configurations are applied in sip-interface or realm-config elements. Oracle SBC based the decision to transcode based in the following diagram:

Transcoding decision is taken based on:

  • SDP offer (O0, offer is also modified by codec policy removing and re-ordering the allowed ones, or adding codecs not originally in the offer when egressing)
  • SDP answer (A0) is subject to only egress policy (acts as ingress for the answer)
  • Depending on codecs removed from offer, codecs added and codecs in the SDP answer
  • If the two top a= lines in O1 and A1 don’t match, transcoding will occur.
  • The add-on-egress parameter must be configured for transcoding to occur.
  • Codecs listed in the add-on-egress will only be added if O1 contains at least one transcodable codec

In our lab environment:

Lets test configure this in our lab environment in the next entry.