Avaya SBCE – Admin task – Hotfix installation

Avaya SBCEs requires patches and hotfixes to be applied regularly.

In this entry lets document the procdure to install a hotfix in a Avaya SBCE 8.1.3

Its important to mention that:

  • the procedure is similar for the EMS and SBCE devices.
  • root access is required as to stop services and execute the script
  • always start with EMS servers
  • if SBCE HA start with the secondary servers
  • download the correct patch and verify any official changes in the procedure

With the previous comments made, here is the procedure to apply a hotfix/patch :

1)	Upload hotfix file to /home/ipcs

2)	Change permissions to the file chmod 777 sbce-8.x.x.-xx-xxxxx-hotfix-xxxxxxxx.tar.gz

3)	Unzip the hotfix file tar -zxvf sbce-8.x.x.-xx-xxxxx-hotfix-xxxxxxxx.tar.gz

4)	Change work directory cd sbce-8.x.x.-xx-xxxxx-hotfix-xxxxxxxx

5)	Stop services before patching /etc/init.d/ipcs-init stop

6)	Start the script sh install_hotfix.sh

7)	Reboot /sbin/reboot

8)	Verify version with ipcs-version